
Freehtmldesign.com (part of KOOL UI) is a site dedicated to helping you (especially beginner) to find high quality and easy to use/ modify HTML CSS/ web resources for free, designed and built by Arie.

Here you will find exclusive resources crafted in-house along with featured top-notch freebies from creatives around the world (for now, only from me). This site is all about sharing my passion, experiment, and knowledge with you. So feel free to look around and you might find useful stuff for your projects.

Want to contribute?

If you like to play with HTML, CSS, Js or CSS framework such as Bootstrap or you have something cool to share (related to HTML for sure), don't hesitate to get in touch. I'd be happy to feature your work!
About About Reviewed by Rus on September 10, 2019 Rating: 5
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